The Ladies where in full dress and the Gents where out in full force, Hello my lovelies yes I attended Midnight Mass this year and boy am I happy I did! There was so much fun to be had there, popin music, lots of very cool stuff to purchase, banging cars and new friends to be made. Our own Lolita was in the pinup pageant as well, and though she didn't place she still had an amazing time!
Let me start with the begging of our day, and boy it was hot I thought I would melt. Thank god I had a fan or I parish to think what horrid state I would have been in, but that was a mute point when we first walked in and saw this beauty. yes it was so eye catching to be honest it was my favorite car there well besides the skull car but I suppose my love for skulls makes my attentions sway. But never the less
a pink paisley classic car was just awe striking and conjured love in both mine and Gerrett's heart. To tell the truth Lolita and her honey loved the car as well it was unanimous between us all the car was the Beez Kneez!
As I was snapping photos of the beautiful car, this random man expressed his want to be a "pinup girl" his proclamation made me giggle so I told him "Well get on that car and show me sexy!" The out come was pure magic if you ask me! I was pleasantly happy at all the good spirited people so after my shyness went away I decided to take photos with some of the lovely dressed people this photo being my favorite because anyone who had the stones, fortitude and confadence to walk around in a bathing suit was admirable. She was actually surprised I wanted a photo with her, but for me it was a chance I just couldn't pass up she looked great! I made some really nice new friends while walking

around, the ladies of the Atomic Angels admired my dress. I was pleasantly surprised they liked it so much we got to talking, needless to say these ladies where my kind of girls so I am seriously considering joining their group. Wouldn't that be just the hap's? I also meat Angela of Lady Birds Accessories, I bought a necklace from her and I have to say she was just a pleasure, and her stuff was amazing. Photo of it coming very soon I think I'll review what I got from her! People where like that and it made me smile at how warm people in the culture could be, I've never said how some times its really hard to be a vintage Betty in a modern world. where we are from its less common, some people can be not so understanding and the looks....Oooo the looks! But here it was all gravy baby!
While standing in the crowd of on lookers around the time of the pinup contest I was fortunate enough to have my picture take by none other then Denise Houk photographer, Artist, and all around sweetheart! I was honored she thought me well put together and dashing enough to photograph but she did and I was pleasantly happy with the out come!!!

I happened to run into a friend that I made a few months ago during the Winter Billy car show. that was the wonderful and amazingly talented VonSassy Tombe, I was hopping she would be there and sure enough she was there. She and I keep in touch and formed a friendship I have to say really means a lot to me, so it was so good to see her again. Lolita and I couldn't pass up the chance to snap some photos with our favorite pin stripper! She was just as sweet and talkative as I remembered and she was showing some of her amazing stuff, I really love the face she gives old luggage and other things new life with just a little love and paint. As a diy'er and vintage enthuses I love giving old things new life and allowing them to
live on, I suppose she and I share that love. I even picked something up from her as well I just couldn't resist! I got a little vintage hand bag and even caught Ms. VonSassy herself hard at work on it!! There is nothing like seeing a real artist at work.

I was a proud mama of a lovely bag with my name sake on it. I was so gitty with excitement I nearly geek squealed about it but I controlled myself or cores! The bag is gorgeous and I love that it has my name on it, some how it made it all that much more special. that and the fact that My favorite pin stripper was nice enough to do it for me, needless to say I'm in love. There was a lot more swag to be had! Our own Lolita finally had her victory when she found
the Mexican bread to hang in her car. ever sense I have known her she has been going on, and on about that bread that she wanted to put in her car I was almost tempted to search the net to find them for her but here at the Midnight Mass she found her hearts desire. I never saw anyone so victorious in that moment but she was and I will forever remember that moment I saw her bounce with glee over it!
Well needless to say we had a rockin time, it was a lot of fun and the people where amazing I plan to attend this even for as long as they have it!
Well My lovelies I must be off there are things to review and vintage how to's to write so my little fingers will be busy! catch you later and as always keep it classy!
Bad Luck Cherry