To Tiki or not to Tiki
Hello My Lovelies,
Yes Spring is in the air and your friendly neighborhood Swag Queen is here with a large question!!! I have been itching to do another how to for clothing, and because its spring why not a lovely play suit to ring in the new weather!!! Here is the fabric in question, this used to be a sarong I've had for some time and instead of throwing away all this good fabric I thought why not turn it into something amazing! So what do you think? I think a really cute sweet heart neck line skirted top with some high wasted shorts? Are you in to it my lovelies tell me what you think! Yes its that age old question....'To Tiki or not to Tiki'.....O the uncertainty in my heart!
I love the idea of "waste not" concerning the fabric-plus it's really cool. The sweet heart top is a good idea, but so it a nice halter with a scalloped top. Lovin' the high-wasited shorts-white, blue or even yellow! Can't wait to see it!