Hello lovelies....
Your friendly Swag Queen Caption Cherry here with a really good book review!!! I know that skin care is a real issue especially if you are like me and have less then perfect skin, I have oily sensitive skin. not only is it an oil slick by the end of the day but I have skin allergies as well and its hard to try different skin care products with out encoring the wrath of my unforgiving allergies. so finding a more home made approach to aid what is working for me is always something on my mind, well I was trolling the beauty books on Amazon and as you well know every now and again you find a gem! Return to Beauty: Old-World Recipes for Great Radiant Skin By Narine Nikogosian is one of those diamonds in the rough.
I cant say enough good things about this book, its a how to guide to better skin from your own kitchen. She begins the book with explaining her history with skin care and how she experimented with different home recipes as a child inspired by her mother and grandmother. She then talks about the many different skin types and splits the book into those different different seasons along with skin types. Many of the recipes differ between these sections, in case you where wondering what those different skin types are Nikogosian gives a really easy to fallow explanation of them, for instance she states "Normal oily Skin" is a skin type where someone has oil appearing on their 'T' zone at certain times of the day. "Oliy Skin" is a skin type where your skin is oily all over all day, The next skin type is "Normal dry Skin" which she explains is when your skin feels tight and dehydrated in different times of the day. Lastly is "Dry Skin" which is when your skin feels tight and dehydrated all day. Each skin type has their own set of recipes in the different seasons and she explains that each skin type has different needs from season to season, which is very true.
The recipes are very easy to fallow and full of wonderful ingredients many of which I would much rather eat then put on my face but I digress, One recipe I absolutely love in the winter section is the almond oil eye creme. I have to say it was not only very moisturizing, I found it rather delectable and heavenly. I placed some around my eyes at night and in the morning and believe me a little goes a long way, I found that the skin was softer and over all it felt so much better. In the spring is where my skin starts to really act up because its warmer, I really find myself working over time to keep the oil slick away! there where two recipes that I simply adored and they helped me do just that, "the salty white cleanser" and "the cucumber restoration toner". I used them at different times and once together and there is something to be said about home made cleansers and toners. They are magical, I saw a real difference in my skin's oil out put and really every now and again I rotate them in my regimen.
Now mind you I fallowed the oily skin recipes the others didn't really apply to my skin care but that dose not mean that they wont work out for you, I spent a few months with this book and really tried out the recipes before I formulated my opinion about it. I really wanted to give a real go at it before I wrote a proper review. there are sections on how to give your self a facial, nail care, Hair care, acne solutions, wrinkle care and there is helpful tips that gives the man in your life some skin care solutions as well. Scrubs, moisturizers and masks for your honey to stay fresh and stay looking fine.
I cant say enough good things about this book my lovelies so please check it out on you reader device or buy the book off amazon trust me the juice is definitely worth the squeeze!
As always thank you for reading, please let us know if there is a book weather it be art, a how to, beauty or makeup book you would like us to review! by Dolls.