Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Lash Review

Hello My Lovelies, 

Bad Luck Cherry here with a review...One of many actually! but this one is for True Or False Lash company, Yes I have tried them and now I want to let you lovelies in on all the fun! If you lovelies didn't know I am currently in beauty school, yes insert all beauty school drop out melodies and sing along here! In being there I learn about a new  fun product, a friend of mine cued me into this new company of lashes boasting that they are just as good as my old faithful Red Cherry Lashes.  I'm always up for something new so I gave it a go, I was pleasantly surprised at how affordable they where and you know me I'm a glamor girl with tight purse strings so a 1.50$ a pair was just up my ally! 

I have to say the packaging really got me, they are so appealing to a girl like me and as we all know I'm a sucker for packaging.  the fact that they have old photos of cat woman and Betty Davis on their packaging just warmed my heart. so if course I got them...again I'm a sucker so I bought the entire line....well the entire line then, there has sense been a few other additions to the lash family. 

Okay what I have to say about the products is they are really easy to apply and then they are very lightweight, I was pleasantly surprised that after I put them on I forgot about them. Mind you when I wore them it was ungodly hot at a vintage car show and I was melting. I loved the fact that I did forget them, In comparison to other lashes I have used they stand far apart and I really enjoyed wearing them. Now I do have to say that because they are so busy half of my order is on back order so I didn't get to try all of the lashes but I will keep you posted on that front!  One con I will say I had was the shipping cost was a bit much, but that's the way these things go I suppose. Its not enough to detour me from ordering again and surly if that's the only problem I have that says a lot about the product!

In conclusion I would say they are a great product for the price, and if you are interested in them the link is above go check them out! Catch you lovelies later!!! 

As always keep it classy! 
Bad Luck Cherry    

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Girl Can Dream Vol. 2

Hello my lovelies, 

This segment of my wish list is a bit different because its full of crafting want to's rather then products I wish for!!! I'm a huge fan of upcycling because when you are in love with vintage like I am well its apart of the deal, many things need a little love and care to make them great again. 

The first is a Jewelry box over haul. I have a box in my room
that needs some piazzas, I've had it a really long time and I've seem some pretty net thinks online on how to make it a peace that not only flatters my vanity but goes with the motif of my bedroom. There are a lot of ideas on how to achieve this look with vintage fabrics and paint colors its really only as limited as my imagination, so when I dream up something fabulous I will be sure to let you all in on the fun.

This Project I thought of and really want to try, its a picture frame jewelery display. I figured it had been done before so I looked it up the first is complements of Doodle Crafts! isn't it just adorable, I have more accessories then I have jewelery boxes to hold them all in. So this is an interesting way to display them and also really freakin cute! I have some lone frames with no backings that need a home, like I said once before I throw nothing away that couldn't have a use later on. Yes I horde crafting supplies and such, it comes in handy once and a while when you least expect it to!

The last is a night stand repaint, I really like the idea of reusing my old night stands perhaps in a different area of my house then my room. I love different patterns and colors though the color scheme in my house my Boyfriend unite and I could agree on was teal, royal blue, black and deep lush purple I think I can come up with something amazing to paint on it. something tough maybe skulls and blue fire....yes there is something you don't know about me kiddies I love Skull imagery!! it has to be the one image I always paint, draw and doodle. so painting it on my night stands seems to me a give in!   

Well that's all for now my lovelies catch you later! and as always keep it classy! 

Bad Luck Cherry  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Where O where is my fabric of choice?

Hello My lovelies, 

I am in a snit....I have this lace and I want to make a beautiful dress from it for the Billetproof car show inspired by this dress I saw in an arbitrary web search. now the problem stands is what to use as an underlay for the dress. I'm thinking I want to go floral, with lots of color but the thing with shopping for vintage fabrics is that you have to go with what you find. being a picky nanny isn't going to get you anywhere. Its like painting in water colors, you have to guide yourself
This is my Lace!! 
with out being too controlling. I know....I can feel the deep eye roll after you read that but its true, I go in with an idea and sometime's that idea changes when I see that one lushous fabric that say's 'Cherry......Cherry..... Take me home with you and make me pretty!' I can never resist that call.  I'm hoping for something of the purple family but I wont turn down mint green or anything like that. I hope for floral but these things are up in the air it all depends on whats in the thrift store at the time. well I will be posting updates on my search and what I found! Catch you lovelies later. 

And as always keep it classy!
Bad Luck Cherry